It will also appear in the June issue of Pathways Magazine. Some think that writing about autism prevention is premature because we haven't found all of the answers as to the causes of this epidemic. Without knowing the causes, they say, how can we possibly profess to know anything about prevention? My response: we know enough now to exercise the precautionary principle and have women of childbearing age minimize their exposure to the 87,000 chemicals in use, maximize their nutrition to optimize their own and their baby's health and make wise choices regarding vaccines.
My intention for writing the article was this. During the 33 years I have been a registered nurse as well as during the last 15 years of helping parents improve the symptoms associated with their child's autism, we've all learned a few things along the way that may serve others in minimizing the likelihood of having a child develop autism. We also have good research (which I referenced in the article) indicating much of what is going on with children on the spectrum (GI disorders, oxidative stress, immune dysfunctions, nutrient deficiencies, inflammation etc) are identifiable, treatable and in some instances preventable. We also have reports from thousands of parents who have improved their child's condition using the biomedical approach. With all that we do know, I'm suggesting that women of childbearing age take as many precautions as possible to ensure that their child has the best shot at optimal health and development.
Please post a comment and let me know how you feel about this issue.
the article also appears on our website Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet
Back in the era of the late 70's, some of us "fringe folks" gravitated toward natural foods and what is now called "greener" lifestyles. We started food co-ops, delivered our babies with midwives, made our own baby foods from fresh produce and sent away for wooden toys and clothing for our kids, The whole concept of "organic" was just starting out and not exactly popular....actually we were considered pretty weird by the not so progressive mainstream thinkers of the time. None the less, we persisted and if truth be told we were a little self righteous about our alternative lifestyle . Now of course it's hip to buy organic and products and information on how to switch over to the green side abounds.
But even in this enlightened age, I think the questions still it worth it to invest in organic food for my family? Should I really buy an organic mattress for my child's crib? I don't want to give up my Tide detergent. Are regular cleaning products really that bad? Well with 87,000 chemicals in our food, air, water and vaccines, 1 in 6 kids being diagnosed with a behavioral, developmental or neurological disorder, 1 in 100 diagnosed with autism, 11 million with ADHD, Asthma cases more than doubled since the 80's and the big one.....childhood cancers are now the leading cause of deatth in children........the answer is an unequivical YES!
You don't have to be wealthy to go organic....just smart. Cook in batches, buy in bulk, get coupons from and, join a co-op, buy a share in a CSA farm where the farmer only grows according to how many people purchase shares, grow herbs in pots on your windowsill or start a small garden and save tons. Get the kids out there in the garden picking the produce and cooking up the tomato sauce. Believe me I wasn't Martha Stewart when it comes to all this and you don't have to be either.....just know that anything you do to move in this direction will help your health, the health of your kids. and the health of the planet!
And just's not weird going the natural route any's actually the hip thing to do!
Here's an article sent to me today that you might find helpful....
Good health to you and yours
Maureen H. McDonnell, RN
Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet
Why Buy Local and Organic?
March 2nd, 2010
Does buying local, organic food really make a difference? Absolutely! Here are just a few reasons why you should try to buy local and organically grown food whenever possible. If you need help trying to locate local growers and organic markets, try using websites like to search for nearby sources of organic food.
In your grocery market you may notice one set of produce marked “organic”. Do these foods support sustainability and eco-friendly practices? Not necessarily. If the “organic” produce was grown in a distant farm and shipped through supply chains to your store, then it has probably consumed more energy and helped spread more emissions than any locally grown food, even if it comes without pesticides. Try for the winning match of both organic and locally grown!
Of course organic foods are healthier! They come naturally grown and without any dangerous hormone treatments or unhealthy pesticides. There is no genetic modifications that can cause unwanted side effects or threaten local ecologies. It is also much easier to ensure that local produce meets true organic standards, too, so the label “organic” is generally more dependable on foods grown in your area. Plus, they hardly take any time at all to ship, so your food tends to be fresher and better-tasting.
This sign is the best of both worlds!
There’s nothing like supporting small local businesses, especially in these more trying economic times. Local producers work hard to grow their food organically, and they should be supported in their endeavors. Whatever money you spend buying local food will stay in your town or city, supporting local growth and development. Local farms also tend to spend your money in wiser and more eco-friendly ways than large suppliers.
Scientists have found many fruit juices and squashes contain too much antimony, a potentially lethal substance. (Posed by model)
Fruit juices drunk by millions of children each day could contain a harmful chemical linked to cancer, scientists have warned.
Researchers have found high levels of antimony - which can be lethal in large doses - in many popular brands.
Scientists from the University of Copenhagen found that bottles of fruit juice and squash contained up to 2.5 times more of the substance as is deemed 'safe' in tap water, under EU guidelines.
In some cases the levels of antimony were ten times higher.
The scientists believe that the chemical is leaching its way into the fruit juice from the plastic bottles which hold it.
Previous research found traces of the chemical in bottled mineral water which experts believed was leaching in from the plastic container.
The team has expressed 'concern' over their findings, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, which they say raises fears for the health of millions of children.
They have called for an investigation 'straight away'. The substance can cause cancer, heart and lung problems, according to previous studies.
Although the scientists have not specifically named any brands, the chemicals are believed to have been found in 16 of the most popular blackcurrant and strawberry squash and fruit drinks consumed by children.
Claus Hansen, a PhD student at the department of pharmacology, who took part in the research, speculated that the citric acid in the fruit juices could speed up the leaching process.
He said: 'The antimony concentrations in the products tested exceed the limit of drinking water but no legalisation exists for foodstuffs so no legislation has been broken.
Antimony is used in the making of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, the type favoured by most mineral-water sellers. It is a silvery-white semi-metal that is also used in electronics and flame-proofing materials. Furthermore, it can be used as a medicine to treat people infected with parasites. The recommended EU limit for antimony in drinking water is five micrograms per litre. However, no limits exist for foodstuffs.
Levels above this could cause nausea and vomiting however the effects of long-term exposure are unknown.
'However we cannot be sure that the antimony levels are harmless.
'It would be a good idea to have some more research to get a better impression of what the antimony limit should be in fruit drinks.
'You would have to drink a lot of blackcurrant juice to go beyond the recommended maximum dose which is why there's no antimony limits for drinking water or soft drinks.
'But we can't be sure the high level we found is not harmful.'
The Royal Society of Chemistry added: 'Marketing, certainly for the cordial products, is geared towards children. It's a children's drink.
'This means they are more likely to drink it and more likely to be at risk.'
The scientists looked at 42 different red fruit juice drinks from Denmark, Scotland and Greece including blackcurrant, strawberry, raspberry and sour cherry and found concentrations 17 times higher than previously studied.
Fruit juices and juice drinks are safe, said a spokesman. 'It is not uncommon that different product types should have different regulatory requirements'
The report, published in the Journal of Environmental Monitoring, said that more research was needed to find out whether it was present during the manufacturing process.
Previous research in Germany in 2006 found antimony was leaching into bottled mineral waters from their plastic containers.
In 2005 Volvic mineral water was at the centre of a health scare after a potentially harmful chemical was found in some of its bottles.
Danone Waters, which produces Volvic, launched an investigation after a mother of two reported a strong 'burning' chemical taste to the Food Standards Agency.
It found the water, which is advertised as being filtered through volcanic rocks, contained naphthalene – a chemical which can cause liver damage in high doses.
Responding to the research, the British Soft Drinks Association today defended the industry.
'Fruit juices and juice drinks are safe,' said a spokesman. 'There is no read across between the levels of antimony permitted in drinking water and those that might be acceptable in a fruit juice or a juice drink.
'It is not uncommon that different product types should have different regulatory requirements.'
He added: 'The packaging is safe. The data in the study does not confirm any conclusions about the packaging: the authors themselves conclude that "further studies are warranted".'
'All ingredients and packaging are carefully regulated to make sure that soft drinks are safe to drink.'
After lots of folks posted their opinion stating that this research was merely "fear mongering", I posted the following comment:
How can anyone dismiss these types of reports as "scare or fear mongering"... Of course the researchers are going to say more research is needed and the report isn't 100% conclusive, that's a standard statement they all make. The problem is there are 87,000 chemicals in widespread use and less than 15% have been tested for safety. Cancer in children is the leading cause of death, autism is now 1 in 100 kids with more research coming out every day linking environmental toxins to this epidemic. Incidence of Asthma has more than doubled since the 1980s, ADHD, name it, it's on the rise. It's certainly a challenge limiting the amount of toxins kids are exposed to. But, it's our job as the adults who have polluted this world for convenience sake to do all we can to ensure the safety and health of our children.
Maureen H. McDonnell, RN
Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet www.SOKHOP.comn
Ever since I was in nursing school at Seton Hall University in the late 70's, health and wellness have been my passion...okay, my obsession. In my 20's when I worked in labor and delivery, I was all about natural births and minimizing medical procedures. I wanted to go to The Farm in TN and study with the now famous Ina May Gaskin. Instead I focused on childbirth education and became certified in the Bradley Method and taught classes for many years. The fires really got lit when I began coordinating the Defeat Autism Now! conferences in the mid 90s which is when I met hundreds of amazing parents of autistic kids who worked tirelessly to help their children improve. When many of them repeatedly said to me "if only I knew then, what I know now, I would have made very different choices" I realized I had to do more to "prevent" autism. This is why I cofounded Saving Our Kids, Healing Our Planet Please visit our website at